An introduction to Global Warning
The main idea of this blog is to give you more information about Global warming, so we will look for couple causes and couple of effect. Global warming and climate change refer to an increase in average global temperatures. Natural events and human activities are believed to be causal to an increase in average global temperatures.
First starting with the causes, the majority of scientists believe that there are two main causes for the global warming. Firstly, carbon dioxide emissions. To clarify, emissions come from the burning of gasoline in internal-combustion engines of cars and light trucks. An additional factor to take into consideration is with respect to natural phenomena; such as solver variation and volcanoes, those natural phenomena can play a small role in warming effects.
Having looked at several causes, let’s now roll our awareness to some effects of the global warming. Firstly increasing in the intensity of extreme wealth events, in addition, agriculture would drop down because of the climate changes and the trading between countries would certainly loss. Yet another point worthy of mentioning is to do with Polar ice caps melting. For example, the melting of ice will cause the sea level to increase and will throw the global ecosystem out of balance.
All in all, global warming is the main event that affects the live of all living creature. So, all people should help each other and in the same way government should place strict rules to look after their countries from this hazardous.
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