Monday, March 2, 2020

About me......... !!!!!!

My name is Saif Al Shamsi. I was born on 20 of June 1981 in Al Ain the most beautiful city in United Arab Emirates. I live now in Abu Dhabi in Al-Kalidyai Street in shearing apartment with three of my friends. I am married and I have one son who is 3 years old which they are staying with my family in Al Ain. I am spending alot of time away from them to provide a good life for my family.

I am studying now higher diploma Mechanical engineer in Abu Dhabi men's College which my company ADCO sponsored me to study this major. I wish to finish my study and get higher GPA so I can complete my bachelor in my mechanical and come back to ADCO and get a place there and develop my skills there.

In my free time I liked to play football but from couples of years I stop playing due to an injury in my knee but now I watch football match and my favorite team is Al Ain Team. also i like to drive my sportbick which is 1000 GSXR susuki around Abu Dhabi with my friends.
In summer holiday I like to travel, so I visit some country like GCC country, United State of America, United Kingdom, Egypt and Thailand.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Lebanon is a country in the Middle East. It was called "the land of milk and honey" in the Bible. Beirut is the capital of Lebanon. It is a very beautiful and modern city, which is why it is usually called "Paris of the East". Lebanon is mainly bordered by Syria and Palestine. The Mediterranean Sea borders Lebanon on the west. Lebanon is famous for the support of art and artists. Shakira, the well-known singer, is half Lebanese.
Modern History
Lebanon was the ground for many conflicts and bloodshed all through its modern history. By way of illustration, in 1943, Lebanon became independent from France, but Christians took control of the country at the expense of Muslims. The conflict between Muslims and Christians emerged to the surface when 100,000 Palestinians were evicted from Palestine and poured into Lebanon. This was a big concern to Christians as Palestinians were Sunni Muslims. Tension between the two groups reached its peak when a radical Christian group, the Phalange, killed dozens of Palestinians in an attack at their bus. This crime led to revenge killings. In 1976, Syria interfered by sending 20,000 troops to root out radical Muslim groups. In one of the massacres, 2000 Palestinians were killed. The tension resulted in a complete mistrust between Muslims and Christians, the collapse of the Lebanese army and the creation of "The Green Line", a zone separating the Muslim west from the Christian east in Beirut.In 1982, the Israeli army invaded Beirut to root out the Palestinian Liberation Organization, which launched attacks on Israel. Thousands of people died in the fighting before the PLO was driven out. In 1989, a peace deal was reached between different groups in Lebanon.

Lebanon Today
Lebanon today is enjoying a peaceful life except for the wars that take place between Hizbullah and Israel. These wars are the biggest threat on the security and the stability of the country. The major problem in Lebanon is the Israeli occupation of some parts. Nevertheless, Lebanon is making giant steps towards progress and stability. The main support of Lebanon's economy lies in tourism. Thousands of tourists pour into Lebanon every year to enjoy its beautiful scenery.


"Eye on Lebanon." Global eye. 2006. 2 June 2009 .


Diamond is a brilliant flashing gemstone, the symbol of portable wealth, the essential component in an engagement ring, the description of a common shape, and a supremely hard material with many extraordinary properties that make it useful in scientific and industrial applications. To understand what is behind those attributes, it will be necessary to look closer at what just diamond is. I will start from the perspective of the history and then move on to look at the location and of diamond to provide greater depth of understanding.
It is thought that diamonds were first discovered in India about 6,000 years ago in the riverbeds of the region. Traders were responsible for bringing the gems as far east as China and as far west as Rome during the classical and early medieval eras. The Chinese were the first to explore the unusually tough nature of the gem and used it as a tool to cut other stones. Pliny the Elder, a Roman scholar, wrote about the diamond in the first century. The word itself stems from the Greek term adamas which means "invincible" or "unconquerable."
About 50% of diamonds come from South Africa. They are also found in India, Russia, Brazil and Canada. They are mined from kimberlite and lamproite volcanic pipes. Kimberlites are a type of rock that are known to contain diamonds. Lamproite, on the other hand, is a kind of volcanic rock and are found almost every where .In the diamond industry, the focus tends to be on carat. A carat is simply a measure of weight for the mass of a diamond.
Diamond has always been an outstanding and desirable material. It is considered the women's best friend and believed to be the easiest way to win a woman's heart.


Power Point

Global Warmings

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Task 6: One Planet Living & Cool Cities

Nowadays modern cities have been developed in variety technique with respect to the UAE’s cities. The development has express both clear and dark enlargement. At the present time, towns need more power for that it will produces more CO2 and heat. For that reason, the developers bring out a fundamental plan to build cool cities by dealing with heat and CO2. From these cities we can reduce the heat and CO2 to the zero. My report will come across the expected function of modern cities; also determine at how modern cities be able to reduce their power utilization and in other hand to reduce their carbon emission. Lastly, it will state my view point of the modern and friendly cities.
First of all, we will appear at how future cities contribute to global warming, one point to concern is with observed to the buildings. For instance, buildings in the UAE don’t have spaces so they don’t provide any shade as well as poor materials used in structure (Younes 2). A further feature to take into reflection is with respect to the transportation. To make clear, the fast growth of UAE’s population leads to boost the numbers of cars used in the country. Due to this reason of energy consumption will increase the carbon dioxide which being release into the atmosphere.
Now let’s turn our attention to suggested solutions as to how they can reduce the level of energy used and the carbon emissions. One main spot is regarding climate control. To clarify, Mr. Hope mentions that sorouh strategy to circulate seawater underground to cool the pavement and benches and the exterior of buildings (Hope 2). One more point valuable of mentioning is how to reduce the carbon dioxide which being emitted by transportation. To clarify, modern cities will utilize a new technology of transportation in the same time it will support people to use them. Furthermore; they will initiate new ways of transporting people from zone to other zones. This method will reduce the quantity of CO2 release into the air. Cool city will use Monorail, Hybrid car, Light rail transit and solar ship (Cool cities).
In conclusion, modern cities have smart technique to reduce carbon emission in the world. Developers are helping people to live in less-polluted cities as a result to reduce global warming. In my outlook I believe these solutions are sensible to decrease the CO2 but for Gulf and Middle East countries can’t change to other resources especially for the oil production.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

purpose of this blog!!!

The purpose of this blog is to write about global warming issue to keep people aware of this issue by posting videos , pictures and reports.I also have to present what i have done.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Carbon Footprint

There are a variety of ways to calculate our impact on the earth from an environmental viewpoint. Carbon footprint is one of these ways. In this report, I will characterize what a carbon footprint is and how a carbon footprint calculated. Also it will show how I can rank in contrast to others, my country and the worlds. At last I’ll compose some suggestions how to shrink carbon footprints.

In the beginning let’s look at carbon footprint definition. A carbon footprint is the measurement of the outcome human actions have on the environment. To illustrate, “the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product” (UK Carbon Trust 2008). An individual, nation or organization's carbon footprint is measured by undertaking a GHG emissions assessment. Once the size of a carbon footprint is known, a strategy can be devised to reduce it.” (Wikipedia 1).

There are two ways to measure a carbon footprint. The main one is the measure of our direct emissions of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels as well as domestic energy consumption and transportation in the same time we have direct control of these. Another is by a producer of our life. Everybody have different carbon footprints because each one lives at a different standard and have elements that have an effect on our footprint on the earth. So in real life is difficult to makes an accurate account carbon footprint in the world. Even with this calculation being a rough it still helps people to see how much their life affects our planet and make us rethink and see what we can do different.

Taking our attention to my position, I did the questioner about food, Travel, home and different categories that were related to make out my carbon footprint. I scored the highest among my classmate with a total of 6.905. My classmate Mohammed recorded a reading of 2.205 making him the second, Sultan coming in third place with a reading of 1.7, Jasiem came fourth with a score of 1.475 and finally Saleh scored 1.465. UAE has poor reputation as far as energy use is concerned.

Finally, I will enfold up by stating some suggestion to reduce the amount of carbon footprint. First point to take into account is concerns saving energy. To illustrate, Switch off all lights and regulate your home temperature. As the website stated that saving water is very important (How to reduce your carbon footprint 1). For instance, reduce water in your toilet tank and Use a low-flow showerhead and faucet aerators to conserve water.Last point to conceder is to plant more trees. To illustrate, plant Trees to shade your home and air conditioning units is very useful to reduce the carbon emission.

In brief, this report helped me to primarily become more aware of my impact on the environment and take into consideration ways that I can also benefit the environment by becoming a responsible.

Monday, April 20, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth

Most documentaries like An Inconvenient Truth movie that research and discusses an important issue for climate change. Although it is a powerful picture of global warming and its impacts. In this essay I will outline the positives and the negatives of this movie.
Lots of people were disagreeing for the movie. Their points were in the movie’s aim goal; Al Gore’s presenting his knowledge of global warming. Helen mentioned that Al Gore was very interesting because he mixed it with jokes (O’Hara 1). On the other hand, Al Gore’s presenting makes the movie more attractive. For example, treating his listeners like adult and his enthusiastic manner. His charts, statistic and scientists studies prove that the global warming is not new fact. They hold up their belief by quite a few outstanding climate researchers who says that Al Gore got the science right.
The criticisms alongside An Inconvenient Truth were based on Al Gore’s mistake, unnecessary facts and ignore others. Al Gore useless a lot of time to tell them that the global warming is happening. Then he concludes that the people action is the cause with no any proof or verification which is a basic error. According to Scott there were unnecessary information about his personal life, his sister and his child make some people think that the film was a commercial campaign for Al Gore (Scott 1). In their opinion the rain forest’s damage is the main provider to the global warming which the film practically ignores it.
In conclusion, the movie is desirable to watch because of its important reason, which is to make the people alert about the risk of the global warming’s effect. I think that we all must work together in order to look after our earth from this calamity.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

An introduction to Global Warning

The main idea of this blog is to give you more information about Global warming, so we will look for couple causes and couple of effect. Global warming and climate change refer to an increase in average global temperatures. Natural events and human activities are believed to be causal to an increase in average global temperatures.
First starting with the causes, the majority of scientists believe that there are two main causes for the global warming. Firstly, carbon dioxide emissions. To clarify, emissions come from the burning of gasoline in internal-combustion engines of cars and light trucks. An additional factor to take into consideration is with respect to natural phenomena; such as solver variation and volcanoes, those natural phenomena can play a small role in warming effects.
Having looked at several causes, let’s now roll our awareness to some effects of the global warming. Firstly increasing in the intensity of extreme wealth events, in addition, agriculture would drop down because of the climate changes and the trading between countries would certainly loss. Yet another point worthy of mentioning is to do with Polar ice caps melting. For example, the melting of ice will cause the sea level to increase and will throw the global ecosystem out of balance.
All in all, global warming is the main event that affects the live of all living creature. So, all people should help each other and in the same way government should place strict rules to look after their countries from this hazardous.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth: Summary

Al Gore, the host, was the vice-president of the United States in the Clinton Administration. He first took an interest in climate change in grade school and has continued to take an interest in this subject as a politician. In this documentary, he highlights the relationship between the emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the corresponding temperature over 650,000 year period. Let’s now take a look at some of the major results of global warming according to Al Gore’s presentation.

This most significant result we can see due to climate change is with regard to natural disasters. Global warming is the catastrophe which threats life on earth. Al Gore explained how the atmosphere works; sun ray comes from the sun everyday then some of the rays stay inside the earth with the help of ozone layer to keep it warm. The crazy increase of carbon dioxide ratio has made the layer thicker so more rays are trapped more than we normally need. As a result, a lot of temperature changing can be seen around the world such as heat wave. Another problem to consider is ice melting. To clarify, Al Gore mentioned that some of ice lakes and ice in mountain hills are melting due to increasing of earth temperature which leads to rise in sea level. A further relevant issue is that the increase of the ocean temperature which causes hurricanes and tornadoes. To illustrate, Ivan hurricane which attacked Florida in 2004. At the end of his presentation, Al Gore explained that most of the scientists have the same opinion that we are the main reason for the global warming.

To sum up, Al Gore says that although the situation regarding Global Warming appears dire, he dose speak passionately looking forward to the future with hope. His presentation concludes with parting nuggets of practical advice as to how man can play a role in curbing climate change.