Monday, March 2, 2020

About me......... !!!!!!

My name is Saif Al Shamsi. I was born on 20 of June 1981 in Al Ain the most beautiful city in United Arab Emirates. I live now in Abu Dhabi in Al-Kalidyai Street in shearing apartment with three of my friends. I am married and I have one son who is 3 years old which they are staying with my family in Al Ain. I am spending alot of time away from them to provide a good life for my family.

I am studying now higher diploma Mechanical engineer in Abu Dhabi men's College which my company ADCO sponsored me to study this major. I wish to finish my study and get higher GPA so I can complete my bachelor in my mechanical and come back to ADCO and get a place there and develop my skills there.

In my free time I liked to play football but from couples of years I stop playing due to an injury in my knee but now I watch football match and my favorite team is Al Ain Team. also i like to drive my sportbick which is 1000 GSXR susuki around Abu Dhabi with my friends.
In summer holiday I like to travel, so I visit some country like GCC country, United State of America, United Kingdom, Egypt and Thailand.


At May 7, 2009 at 2:41 AM , Blogger Abo Mariam said...

nice photo saif

At May 20, 2009 at 2:16 AM , Blogger El70o0t said...

very interesting story saif

At May 28, 2009 at 2:33 AM , Blogger Jassim AlHaj said...

your son is really cute
I'm really sorry about your injury. one last thing you motor cycle is looks power full.


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