An Inconvenient Truth: Summary
Al Gore, the host, was the vice-president of the United States in the Clinton Administration. He first took an interest in climate change in grade school and has continued to take an interest in this subject as a politician. In this documentary, he highlights the relationship between the emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the corresponding temperature over 650,000 year period. Let’s now take a look at some of the major results of global warming according to Al Gore’s presentation.
This most significant result we can see due to climate change is with regard to natural disasters. Global warming is the catastrophe which threats life on earth. Al Gore explained how the atmosphere works; sun ray comes from the sun everyday then some of the rays stay inside the earth with the help of ozone layer to keep it warm. The crazy increase of carbon dioxide ratio has made the layer thicker so more rays are trapped more than we normally need. As a result, a lot of temperature changing can be seen around the world such as heat wave. Another problem to consider is ice melting. To clarify, Al Gore mentioned that some of ice lakes and ice in mountain hills are melting due to increasing of earth temperature which leads to rise in sea level. A further relevant issue is that the increase of the ocean temperature which causes hurricanes and tornadoes. To illustrate, Ivan hurricane which attacked Florida in 2004. At the end of his presentation, Al Gore explained that most of the scientists have the same opinion that we are the main reason for the global warming.
To sum up, Al Gore says that although the situation regarding Global Warming appears dire, he dose speak passionately looking forward to the future with hope. His presentation concludes with parting nuggets of practical advice as to how man can play a role in curbing climate change.